Monday, August 15, 2011

Harvest Monday: Short and Sweet

The last few days have been a little crazy so I haven't been able to do much actual gardening or write ABOUT gardening.  We did take pictures of our harvests this week though, and you'll notice quite a few massively split tomatoes.  We've been getting a whole lot of rain, which is great but some of the plants don't really know what to do with it.  The volunteer Black Prince tomatoes from last year are splitting the worst, which ironically is exactly why I didn't purposely plant any this year.  Ah well.

We are also totally done with all of our early planted summer squash and zucchini varieties, and the ones I've planted more recently are showing signs of the same yellow downey mildew that killed the others.  I just planted two types of squash in potting soil out in the back yard to maybe get a small crop in before all depends on the weather, and after this spring and summer I believe anything is possible.

On to the harvests!  After checking out this week's haul, please scoot on over to Daphne's Dandelions to see what the rest of the blogosphere has harvested this week :)

August 9th Harvest

August 11th Harvest

August 13th Harvest

August 15th Harvest


  1. You're absolutely right - our harvests are opposite - now if we could only work out how to trade I'd take as many of those beautiful tomatoes as you could spare, a few peppers, a slice of melon and and and and...

  2. We've been getting tons of rain too. It rained all weekend, yesterday and it's threatening more rain today. I'm jealous for all those tomatoes! They look absolutely delicious. I like that you have so many varieties of squash. What variety is that round and green eggplant? How does it taste?
