Friday, July 8, 2011

CSA box Five

I skipped a few weeks of posting CSA pictures because my kids dug into it so fast that I forgot to TAKE pictures!  Here's week five of our Kretschmann Farm CSA:

2 x Zucchini
4 x beets
2 x cucumbers
a bunch of kale
a bag of broccoli
a bag of herbs
a bag of squash blossoms
several bags of greens and lettuces

Our broccoli is finally setting heads!  This is the first year they've made it this far.  

Our Sweet 100 tomato is filling up with tiny green fruit.

This is a volunteer growing along a wall and I'm not sure what it's going to be.  Last year we only had Mr. Stripey, Better Boy, Roma, and Black Prince, so I'm thinking this is a hybrid of one of the round types and the Mr. Stripey.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

This volunteer looks like a straight Black Prince to me.

Okra flower?  I had no idea what this plant looked like before growing it, so I'm a bit surprised by the gigantic flower.

Ichiban Eggplant with flea beetle-eaten leaves.

This is a volunteer run wild.  I will clean it up and cage it tomorrow.  Looks like grape or pear tomato  to me.  LOADS of blooms.

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