Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Next week my goal is to actually participate in the Harvest Monday thing over at Daphne's Dandelions that I keep seeing on other gardening blogs around the intertubez.  I did just get a pretty massive harvest (after skipping a few days due to feeling poopy) and I'm too excited to wait 6 days, so you'll find today's haul at the bottom of the page.  

While it's pretty cool to get a ton of veggies all at once, the downsides to not harvesting often enough are zukes the size of a large cat, and TOTALLY out of control weeds.  I did what I could today, but tomorrow it will be several hours worth of nothing but pulling weeds.  *shudder*

First pan patty squash!  It seems to be the bright yellow pan patty variety from my mixed packet from Burpee.  I have several more pan patty plants in the garden so I hope I end up with all three color variations.

Cat faced tomato!  This is a Mr. Stripey, which seems prone to this, though the wonky heat and weather isn't helping.

The late-planted cukes are beginning to climb...I wonder what variety will set fruit first?  There are three here in total; a burpless, a yellow lemon cuke, and a white pickling cuke.

One of the two surviving red cabbage plants, generally unharmed.  We'll see if  that trend continues. 

The one surviving green cabbage looking pretty much like my cabbage looked last season at this time (none of which survived).

Harvest!  Tons of zukes, two saffron squash, one ichiban eggplant, two kohlrabi, one big early bell  (picked green) and a crap-ton of different bush beans!

I need to go look up the names of the beans...this is actually 4 of the 5 varieties of bush beans that I have planted right now.  Weird colors are how I get my kids to eat veggies.

This is why you check your zucchini plants DAILY.  Two of those things are bigger than my calves...and I am not a tiny  person.


  1. Your beans look beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog...on the diatomecious earth, the bag I bought says safe for pets. I assume same for children, but it does say just don't directly inhale ;) Which I figure is a given.

    My cucs started climbing before setting their fruit.

  2. Beautiful and varied harvest, I love the different colors of beans that you have there, Ichiban eggplant is a good producer, I harvested twenty some odd fruits in the past 3 weeks from only 2 plants.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, you should join us on Harvest Monday, there are so many nice and fun gardeners there. Mr Stripey looks very interesting, I'll put it on my list to try next year.

  3. Allison: Thanks! We planted beans every where this year because last year we didn't get nearly enough. I'll have to do more research on the diatomecious earth...someone mentioned coffee grounds can work in similar ways but isn't as much of an inhalation risk.

    Mac: Last year our ichiban produced as well as yours are, but this year the flea beetles have been out in force. I don't know for certain that they are the problem, but it's the only major difference. The leaves look like lace.
