Sunday, July 3, 2011

A weeks worth of garden updates.

This week has been non-stop craziness that has been a lot of fun but has made it difficult to blog.  We did manage to pot all the new seedlings from Garden Dreams and get the cuke trellis set up, so the goal now is to make sure everything weeded and cleaned up for a nice "beginning of July" status post tomorrow.  In the mean time, here's what's been going on lately:

The Saffron Summer Squash started from seed are finally producing.

The broccoli I saved from thinning and stuck in a bucket is getting HUGE but has no sign of a head.

The golden beets are at baby beet size.

The red beets are all different sizes, with some being almost 2 inches across.

This little volunteer that I transplanted to the melon bed is beginning to look like a cuke to me...though it could actually be a melon.

The three beds to the left of the front walk way are all full of veggies.

The beds to the right of the walkway need constant weeding and a few plants need staked.

I have zukes coming out of my ears.

The first of the beans have been harvested, though I could have probably waited a few days for bigger beans.

The early girl tomatoes will probably live up to their name and be our first tomato of the year.

More Early Girls.

Black Krim.

Mr. Stripey (my fave).

Another Mr. Stripey.

One of the mystery volunteers along the wall.

Hot banana peppers seem to be doing well.

More banana peppers.

I knew the Gypsy bell peppers would be prolific, but I had no idea they would be THIS prolific.

The view along the back fence.

Yummy Bell Peppers.

The ichiban eggplant and gypsy bell.

Harvest from July 1st.

Shy was such an attention hog that she forced me to put her picture up as well.  

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