Monday, July 18, 2011

Harvest Monday: First Ripe Tomatoes Edition!

I'm putting up my Harvest Monday post a little late because I was hoping to have pictures from today to add.   Unfortunately the sky turned dark and rainy by the time we were finally able to get out side and the kids elected to save the first broccoli harvest of the season for tomorrow.  This harvest marks the turning point of the garden where spring stuff is either tapping out or coming into harvest for the first time, and fall crops are just being planted.

Lots of peppers this week, along with squash, beans and eggplant.

The hot banana peppers are VERY hot.

The beans are still going strong and have filled an entire shelf of the fridge.

More beans from a different day...the flat green ones have a very tough string that I am removing before freezing.

A few onions were knocked down by an animal walking through the bed so I harvested them early.   The tomatoes are both early girl and probably could have used an extra day on the vine but we wanted them for a salad.  They were a bit tart.

Go Craigslist!   The box was never opened.  Now all I need are more bags and I can start putting stuff in the  deep freezer.

Now go check out Harvest Monday at Daphne's Dandelions to see what everyone else is harvesting (or to add your own harvest to the post!)


  1. Oh goodness what a lot of beans. They have really picked up in my garden too. But I don't have any pretty purple ones.

  2. Wow~ you've got some really nice harvest! I keep seeing those cream-colored peppers. They look interesting.

  3. Daphne: I just wish they stayed purple when you cooked them!

    Sherry: Thanks! The cream colored peppers are called "gypsy bell" but they look like some version of a Hungarian Wax pepper I've seen other grow. They get orange and red but I've never wanted to wait long enough for that to happen!
